PROMETRIKA - 20 Years of Quality, Integrity, and Innovation!
Over the past 20 years, not only have we helped our clients bring life-changing drugs to market, we have also become key thought leaders in the industry.
Practical Operational and Data Collection Challenges
NEXT NYC l October 2018 l Breakout Session l Why Rave EDC?
Presented by Amanda Rychel, PhD
Senior Project Manager, PROMETRIKA, LLC
RaveX is the latest version of Medidata’s popular EDC solution for collecting clinical trial data. Its predecessor, “classic” Rave, has been in use in the industry since 2001. PROMETRIKA has successfully navigated the waters of this new Rave user interface (UI) and its Cloud Administration component. There are a number of advantages to adopting these newer products in your organization. Watch the video and learn how.
PROMETRIKA Discovers the Power of a Unified Platform
Hear from PROMETRIKA on their unified platform approach to data collection across complex trials.
Lost in Translation - How to Get Clinical Operations and Data Management to Speak the Same Language
Presented at Medidata NEXT 2022 in New York City.
Upgrade to RaveX - It's Worth It!
RaveX cloud-based EDC software is improved! We discuss the differences between Rave and RaveX, including new EDC User Interface updates, changes in Navigation within RaveX, updates to Task Management, changes to the subject home page, and improvements that allow quicker data entry. We create a subject in RaveX, enter and edit data, perform tasks on log forms, and review features that are no longer supported, why they are not supported, what will replace them and the planned availability of these features.
Study Conduct Medical Coding
In this session, Cathy Hult, Senior Manager, PROMETRIKA, LLC presents PROMETRIKA’s recent experience implementing the Medidata coder after many years of using an external, standalone, coding tool.
Migration of Rave Coder
PROMETRIKA Data Management and Database Programming successfully implemented Rave Coder on an existing study in Rave following the decommissioned of dsNavigator. Synonym lists were created and tested in the PROMETRIKA sandbox before Coder was implemented. Synonym lists for Medical History, Concomitant Medications, and Adverse Events were programmatically generated from the last dsNavigator export file. PROMETRIKA successfully completed the multiple steps to ensure Coder could seamlessly continue activities in an ongoing study.
ePRO Data Integration with Rave
PROMETRIKA LLC was one of the first Medidata CRO partners to become accredited in the Patient Cloud platform. In this presentation, you will hear about the usage of a fully integrated ePRO solution with Rave and Patient Cloud.
PROMETRIKA - Rescue Studies - Ensuring a Smooth Transition - NO Q&A
Migration of Rave Coder
PROMETRIKA Data Management and Database Programming successfully implemented Rave Coder on an existing study in Rave after dsNavigator was decommissioned. Synonym lists were created and tested on the PROMETRIKA sandbox, and Coder was implemented/migrated to production. Synonym lists for Medical History, Concomitant Medications, and Adverse Events were generated from the last dsNavigator export file by programmatically creating synonym lists with unique verbatim terms using the synonym list file definition. The multiple steps required significant testing to make sure the synonym lists were created according to the file definition.
PROMETRIKA - 20 Years of Quality, Integrity, and Innovation!
Over the past 20 years, not only have we helped our clients bring life-changing drugs to market, we have also become key thought leaders in the industry.